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Precision Oncology Forum

In our June forum, Dr Ella Thompson will discuss molecular pathology advances in blood cancers, followed by two interesting case presentations from Dr Sean Harrop and Dr Ing-Soo Tiong.

Molecular pathology advances in blood cancers

Dr Ella Thompson, Dr Sean Harrop and Dr Ing-Soo Tiong from the haematology department of the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre will deliver an educational presentation on this topic, followed by haematology case presentations.

This hybrid event is part of the VCCC Alliance Precision Oncology Forum series. These multi-disciplinary forums provide opportunities to discuss new research topics in Precision Oncology, as well as interesting and novel cases illustrating the clinical implications of molecular pathology and targeted therapies.

Cases are discussed on an individual, de-identified basis. 


Dr Huiling Xu
Senior Research Fellow, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Dr Stephen Luen
Medical Oncologist, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Dr Joep Vissers
Curation Scientist Team Leader, the University of Melbourne


Dr Ella Thompson
Senior Scientist, Molecular Haematology, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre

Dr Thompson completed a PhD at the University of Melbourne in 2009. Her PhD and postdoctoral research were conducted in the Cancer Genetics Laboratory at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. In 2014, she took up a diagnostic role in the Molecular Pathology Laboratory where she currently focuses on genomic testing for patients with haematological malignancy. She has extensive research and diagnostic experience with NGS-based DNA sequencing assays and associated analyses, including clinical interpretation of germline and somatic genetic variants in the cancer context. In this forum she shares an educational presentation: "Molecular pathology toolkit for blood cancer".

Dr. Sean Harrop
Clinical Haematology Fellow, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre

In this forum, Dr Harrop shares novel clinicogenomic findings in the merging entity of acute myeloid leukaemia with UBTF tandem duplications.

Dr. Ing-Soo Tiong
Molecular Haematologist, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre

In this forum, Dr Tiong shares a case presentation on CAR+ T-Cell Lymphoma

Friday 21 June
2.45 - 4.00pm

Content warning: The VCCC Alliance Precision Oncology Forum is aimed primarily at a clinical audience and features open discussion about real cases and patients. While these cases are de-identified, the imagery, content and discussion can be graphic.

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