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Multidisciplinary Approach to Tongue Cancer Webinar Series - what can we do better? (Part 5)

When things don't go well - managing failure and the future research outlook

This webinar series features five interactive educational sessions that address key questions beginning with prevention, early diagnosis and treatment planning to imaging, surgery and reconstruction. It will look at systemic therapies (including immunotherapy) as well as survivorship and the future outlook for the disease and emerging research in the field. As part of the series, Dr Norman Swan, a multi-award-winning producer, broadcaster, and investigative journalist engages in an instructive and moving discussion with people affected by tongue cancer. 

Viewed as a series, or independently, the one-hour webinars will illustrate the multidisciplinary nature of disease management and the need for the incorporation of all treatment modalities to achieve optimal outcomes.

The series will highlight cutting-edge science from across the VCCC Alliance that could improve outcomes for this patient group.  

Part 5: When things don't go well - managing failure and the future research outlook

Learn about what can be done in managing recurrent, residual or metastatic disease and the current and new approaches in palliative care.

Some of the leading researchers from across the VCCC Alliance will contribute to this session and share the latest advances relevant to tongue cancer. Hear about cutting-edge developments from Darido Charbel, Oliver Sieber, Paul Neeson, Lorraine O'Reilly, Michael McCullough and Tami Yap.

Program overview

Managing recurrent, residual or metastatic disease

  • Detection
  • Treatment
  • Advance care planning
  • Palliative care

Palliative care panel discussion with Brian Le

Future outlook

  • Micro-biome
  • Organoids
  • Oral Cancer Alliance
  • Potentially malignant lesions

The series will conclude with a summary from Prof David Wiesenfeld.

The VCCC Alliance Research and Education Lead, Head and Neck Cancer program aims to map opportunities across the alliance to develop expert networks, deliver strategic educational programming, improve sharing of data for research, and implement multi-partner clinical trials to speed up the translation of new research into routine clinical practice.

Tuesday 19 July 2022
5.00pm - 6.00pm

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